Monday, October 1, 2007

Updates Every Wednesday!

It's the most important day of the week for a comic geek. Now, I have decided that it be best to update this site every Wednesday. What should you expect with each update? Well, each week I will throw some insight, opinion or gripes about the industry or my weekly books. I will give some reviews of the books I'm reading and give a recommendation or two. Now, there's dozens of sites that give you news and reviews, but perhaps I can throw out a unique spin on the hobby. But the updates won't just encompass comics. I will still hit topics like Star Wars, Galactica and Robotech. A team focus of mine is the TEEN TITANS so I hope to give a bit more attention to them over the JLA or Legion groups.

The TEEN TITANS is one of the reasons I have always stayed in Comics. I was a 8 yr old boy in 1980 when I picked up my first few issues of The New Teen Titans from Wolfman and Perez. I picked them up at a little newsstand that sold magazines, coins and tobacco. I was addicted to the drama and serialized story telling. I thought it was unlike the other comics from DC where you truly had to get every book to know the drama and lives of these young characters. Not to mention, it centered on kids with super-powers and I so wanted to have powers when I was 8. On the playground at recess I was always Kid Flash.

Seeya Wednesday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't get into the titans until the Geoff Johns series started, but now these are characters that I would like to spend the money and pick up some back issues of that wolfman perez run especially after there contribution to the most recent 50th issue