Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Review: Pastel Vol. 1 by Del Rey 2005 $10.95

**spoilers may apply, although I will not directly give away any major plot points**

The quick synopsis: a 16 yr old named Mugi Tadano is forced to break up with his girlfriend as she moves away to another city. He finds himself heartbroken and unable to focus day to day. His friend, Kazuki, drags him to a beachside snack bar, owned by Kazuki's aunt, for the summer to get his mind off the break up. While working there, Mugi finds himself running into a girl while she's changing into her swimsuit. The beautiful girl by the name of Yuu jokes with Mugi and insists he pay 120 yen for the peepshow. To which Mugi quickly pays and Yuu replies that she can now afford a soda.

Kazuki spends most of the summer vacation to spy on girls and score dates. He eventually sets Mugi and himself up on a double date. Kazuki jokes the "monster" of a girl will show up and Mugi will have no problems not falling for her if she looks as bad as they think. Yet, when the "monster-girl" arrives, Mugi is surprised to find that it is the girl he met earlier, Yuu. Kazuki realizes that she is much more attractive than his date and tries to switch girls. Mugi refuses and the two boys separate to continue their dates on their own. Realizing that he's in no condition to spend time with a beautiful woman, Mugi enlists the aid of Kazuki's younger cousin by telling Yuu he's responsible for watching over him. Yuu and Okuto take to one another and the three head toward the beach for the afternoon. After a nice time of talking, Yuu and Mugi realize that Okuto has gone diving in the water and hasn't surfaced. The two race to his rescue and find him just in time and revive him. Mugi and Yuu finish their "date" by walking the beach and wading in the water.

We next find Mugi sleeping in his room when Kazuki tells him that he must clean the showers of the beach house. It's the middle of the night but Mugi does what he's told. Kazuki is merely setting him up. As Mugi enters the Ladies Bath, he finds a naked girl. The girl is Yuu. Yuu is embarrassed and angered. She leaves. Mugi feels so bad he tries to apologize the next day to find that Yuu has left the resort to return home. So Mugi tries to chase her down. He barely misses the boat that leaves for the main land yet doesn't give up. He continues to follow her foot steps so he can apologize. He finds himself back at his house when he hears who he thinks is his father yet he opens the door to find another naked girl showering in his bathroom. He's shocked to find its Yuu, the girl from the beach. When his father comes home from work he informs Mugi that Yuu is the daughter of a close friend who has died and he's now in charge of Yuu and her sister Tsukasa. And the story continues from there....

I will admit that I'm a sucker for high school romantic comedies. And this story is a perfect example of one. As I read it, I could feel for Mugi. I felt sorry for him and also routed for him at the same time.

Toshihiko Kobayashi's art is elegant yet doesn't lack on simple details. The girls are drawn very cute and the fan service is abundant and steamy. The character designs are simple but familar. I found that the story moved along well and the panel layout was easy to follow and clean. The characters not only look familary but seem familar (maybe its my own memories of being a angst teen). The lead girl, Yuu, is cute, naive and vulnerable. Mugi is a typcial girl crazed teen who's too nervous to act naturally around Yuu.

Its a fun read and I enjoyed it! I couldn't stop and read it in about an hour. I wanted to make sure I didn't forget anything so I read it again.

If you like a typical Shonen, this story may be for you.

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