Saturday, September 29, 2007

Too much Countdown!

Browsing the racks at my LCS. I realized that the DC events are getting a bit out of hand. I noticed that there are dozens of books all connected to the Countdown series and all heading toward Final Crisis. And too be honest, I hope this will end the big events going into 2008. I know my pocket book is having a tough time keeping up and I know I have way too much to read on my stack. New titles such as Countdown to Adventure and Countdown to Mystery are sporting a $3.99 price. Yes, you're getting 48 pages of content. Yet times this number by 4 then by 2 and that is getting pricey just to stay in the know. I want to read these titles and see where my favorite DC heroes are going but I will have to wait for the trade and get it through In-Stock Trades. If I can't read the newest books, I guess I will focus on some of the books that I've allowed to stack up in my comic room.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, i'm definetly having to pick and choose which crossovers i'm getting right now, because between everything happening at dc and all the stuff happening at marvel and so many great indy reads i'm dropping at least 40 bucks a week before my discount.