Wednesday, March 21, 2007


One story that has been true to my heart is that of the motion picture franchise of Superman.

As for my past with this, I have distinct memories of seeing Superman: The Movie at the theater when I was only 8. I stayed up late any and every night Superman would air on CBS or any other television network. The birth of the VCR created a new life for my love of this movie. My first copy of Superman was a recorded version from one of those TV movies of the night spots. Then CBS VHS Club allowed me to purchase the movie. I think I did wear it out.

I had the entire dialog memorized, the soundtrack was in my stereo and the merchandise was everywhere from the kitchen to my bedroom. I can remember a Superman glass I had with the poster art. I would stare at it while eating my dinner. I even would wish on that image in hopes I would gain Superman’s powers so I could fly away and fight crime in the name of Truth, Justice and the American way!

One thing I would profess was that the Superman: The Movie I saw as a kid had scenes that I didn’t have in my VHS copies. I directly remember Superman getting hit with bullets, fire and ice before entering Lex Luthor’s lair. My friends always would make fun of me that I was making it up. Then one fateful night right after the WB network debuted, they presented Superman: The Movie in an expanded two-night event. Thus, I recorded this and could once and for all prove to my friends I was right. Sure enough, they had inserted that scene back in—as well, the scenes of a little Lois Lane on the train where Clark would jump as a teenager. I wouldn’t see this cut of the film for another decade until it was re-released back in 2001 with the new theatrical cut of the film and the DVD release.

I will admit that I had little production knowledge of the film while growing up. I wouldn’t learn some of the great behind the scenes stuff until I was an adult and the DVD releases of both 2001 and 2006. In this era of my Superman appreciation I would learn of the reasons behind Richard Lester taking over production of Superman II from Richard Donner. I would also learn that the films were being filmed back to back until production delays and an approaching release date determined they focus on the first film foremost. Once I learned that Richard Donner had shot 70% of Superman II before being torn off it and replaced by Lester, I was disappointed. Yet, I didn’t realize that it was re-shot by over 50% so Lester could take sole directorial credit. So, this immediately got my curiosity up thinking of how Donner’s Superman II was different from Lester’s Superman II.

As 2006 came to a close, we were given the infamous cut of Superman II by Richard Donner. In some respects this was like an Episode I release for Superman fans. I rushed out that night and bought the movie. I went home, threw it in the DVD player, turned up the Home Theater and turned out the lights. I watched it with the intent I would a movie in a movie-plex. I was amazed and disappointed at the same time. Some of those likes and dislikes will be discussed later in my Superman commentary. (which will be presented in ths blog over the next few days).

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