Monday, March 12, 2007

Shadow Chronicles Review and Commentary Part IV

Continuing my dislikes for The Shadow Chronicles....

The biggest complaint I had was the continuity issues. I admit that I have been in the backseat of Robotech fandom for about a decade. To which, I admit I don't know what is still canon and what is not. I do know that End of the Circle has been taken out of canon and some fans want the novels removed completely. Yet, I will declare that I stand by the novels as good source material and this is the only way (outside of the comics) one can know the story of the Sentinels.

Which brings me to a big continuity flaw of TSC, is HG and TSC pretending the Sentinels didn't happen? My opinion is that they must have decided to deny the mission to Tirol as "we" know it. As I found a big issue with the apparent flaw that Vince Grant didn't know Janice. I mean he didn't even recognize her nor did he remember her from his duty on SDF-3. As well, Louie Nichols seems to have suffered from massive memory loss as details and technology he would have known about while in the Tirol system has evaded him. He also seems to be unaware of Janice’s true identity.

Little continuity flaws bug me too. These can be the same as those seen in the original 85 episodes. But they had the ability to avoid them here in TSC. Gen. Reinhardt (not named in the Symphony of Light) acts like the SDF-3 is late and never arrives out of hyperspace thus producing a mystery at the end of the episode. Now we know that it had a malfunction to which Reinhardt knows of.

Shadow Devices in Symphony of Light were not a Cloaking Device as it is in TSC. A New Generation episode described that the Protoculture reactors were designed with a 4th dimensional configuration making them invisible to the Invid sensors. This makes it sound like that Shadow Fighters were always in a mode of cloak. TSC shows us that you have to turn it on and off.


Did Reinhardt or anyone from the REF fleet in orbit ever communicate with Scott during the battle? I thought the answer was no. Not only does Reinhardt do it but his crew even have detailed info about Scott and his team.

I could mention a few others but I won’t. Many are trivial and I won’t deny it. Yet, why does this plague me? Simply put, it does because it brings up too many questions and not good ones. It makes me believe that the new creators want to throw their own spin on something and not honor original continuity. I also feel I am lost in a universe I thought I knew a little about.

Well, my final installment on The Shadow Chronicles will be a little about how I would have started and continued a Robotech sequel. Till then….

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